Kotor 2 mod manager
Kotor 2 mod manager

Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic Prima Guide Pdf. 1.2.1 Kaliyo and Torian have different gift preferences from their classic Imperial Agent/Bounty Hunter preferences when they are recruited again. 1.1.1 Visual Representation 1.2 Empire Companions. Tread carefully., Gifts are items that can be given to companions in order to raise their influence level. Warning: There are many, many spoilers on this page, several of which are unmarked due to Wiki Policy.

kotor 2 mod manager

Tropes associated with characters from Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.For other works set in the same Star Wars Legends era, see the main index at Knights of the Old Republic.

kotor 2 mod manager

Kotor 2 influence guide excel ILIJA MORIC Occupational field Master of Tourism / PhD student

Kotor 2 mod manager